show your ankles

I love fashion. I love clothes, shoes and accessories. I love vintage and highstreet trends. I love pre-loved and haute couture, and above all, I love to dress up. My fashion history reads as a mish-mash of some top notes and also some epic fails but, above all, never boring. I use clothes as a form of self expression.

When we left Devon I moved so many of my clothes into the first house up here that I had a whole room dedicated for rails and rails of clothes. It was glorious. It was super organised, coats, trousers, dresses rails, I even had an entire rail just so I could hold my handbags. I got really into thrift shopping, I took a lot more interest in fashion & style and started experimenting with my looks. I tried many different things.

I went through my "Soul Cal" phase, wearing surf style which felt very close to home with my roots of my education in Cornwall. I tried the uptown girl vibe, wearing heels everyday was not only impractical but a lot of effort, although I did enjoy how it made me feel in constant tailoring and heels.

There was my Carrie Bradshaw phase, where I wore mis matched outfits on the school run and obtained many, many stares and then, the one I regret the most, the "in trend" look, when I wore whatever was trendy from the best sellers portion of every shopping website. It makes me feel dirty just thinking about it.

 I did a lot of online training courses in fashion and colour theory, I gained a truer sense of identity in what I chose to wear, so when it came to the walk in wardobe at the new house, with much less storage than the previous house, I knew I had to really take a look and what I had collected and do a mammoth overhaul.

 Although I still  dont feel like I have a certain "style" but I do know what I like and that's everything. I can go from minimalist French chic on a Monday to American sports jock on a Friday and everything in between, so i describe my style as " mood dressing"

If you are anything like me, you will find inspiration in everything, and truly believe there is no such thing as a bad outfit. I like to think I have passed on my passion to my daughter, who is going through her experimenting stage. So, as i sit here now, in my vintage Ramones T-shirt, I must bid you farewell, as I have a party to attend, and I Cannot wait to see what everyone is wearing…


Goodnight Lilly


Pops of Rouge…