The best women support women. I can think of so many Influential women I have had the pleasure of knowing, and in the spirit of celebrating international women’s day next week, let me tell you about them…
First there is N, N is a force to be reckoned with. She has fought many battles, taken on so much and still remained the gentle, kind women I know today. N has faced a lot of adversity and still came out the other side of it. We all love N.
Next up there is E. E is making a change in the world. I find her constantly inspiring, and I think the world needs more of her. She is a girls girl, one of the boys, she drinks pints and looks stunning in a ballgown - model pretty. I value her opinions and she has time for everyone. I am glad I know her.
Then there is S. We didn’t get each other at first but now I call her my best friend. We are so different but the same. she is always at the end of a phone. She has an amazing career, house, family and she is always happy. She will tell me when I am wrong and champion me and I love her like a sister from another mister.
Growing up, there was L. I idolised her, she taught me so much. I learnt a lot from L. She taught me how to adult as I was 19 and still wet behind the ears. She took me to nice places to eat and introcuced me to make up. Its sad that I haven’t seen or spoke to her in 13 years but I hope she hasn’t changed and is still one of the most extra people I knew.
Obviously this list wouldnt be complete without litte C, who is now big C and is the human equivalent of a labrador. I hope she never changes. She is smart and funny and makes me proud.
Going further back there was AD & AE. I loved both of these women. Both fabulous and both not to be messed with, and if someone messed with you - you better look out as they’re coming for you. Thankyou angels. I hope I am making you proud.
Honourable mentions go to V, A, C, T & E, who have showed me what it means to be part of the sisterhood. I have never know a group of women like this who genuine love and care for each other, no bitching, no snide comments, all love and support for one another. awesome women who I hope I will always have around me.
B & L should have been at the top of this list, but they know who they are. they dont need words. They just know, although it is always nice to hear, so thank you for being the foundations. I hope I can repay you both for what you have done for me.
And last but not least there is A. A is my no.1. Without A I wouldn’t be who I am today and I feel so grateful everyday to have A around. A is everything you want her to be, strong and fierce and bold and unafraid. A might not always like me, but I will always love her unconditionally.